

Life coaching


Health is a relationship between you and your body Terri Guillemets Life Coaching Life is always moving forwards and life coaching gives you the ability to seize the day, gain the most from every moment and helps you to achieve your goals and desires. Unless you take time out of your day to reflect, consider and learn, you won’t be getting the most from your time and energy. How does it feel when you change your goals from “I want to……" to “I am ………..”. [...]

Life coaching 2018-02-01T20:29:41+00:00

Career Coaching


Work is such a major part of our lives yet how many don’t enjoy their job? Surely if there was a way that you could enjoy the 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, not to mention all the unpaid overtime, you would grab it? I work with individuals to consider options and choose a path and make that path a positive one, whether you need confidence, direction, motivation, someone to help you see clearly the problems or possibilities and help you to identify solutions. What is it you want and how are you going to achieve it? Need [...]

Career Coaching 2020-01-31T13:51:32+00:00

Loss and grief


Loss can come in many forms and people deal with it in different ways. This includes loss of a loved one, be it person or animal; loss of a job or career, loss of health, loss of a relationship or loss of a dream. When the loss and grief are all-encompassing or interfere with the ability to move forwards and function in everyday life then it is time to seek help. The peace that my clients access is truly amazing, weights lifted, grief lessened. This work is not about forgetting, it’s about finding life and finding enjoyment again after loss. [...]

Loss and grief 2020-01-31T13:51:32+00:00

Pain Management


Many people suffer from chronic pain and are on pain killers long-term, even though the effect wore off some considerable time ago. People’s lives can be crippled by pain that has no known cause or cure. Using a range of techniques I enable people to take control of the pain and reduce it, to soften it and to change it into something manageable, something else, to use their brain to control the pain instead of the pain controlling them. Even at the first session people get a sense of relief and can impact the pain using just their minds and [...]

Pain Management 2020-01-31T13:51:32+00:00